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M/V Crosby Integrity
Horsepower | 6000 |
Length | 110 ft |
Beam | 34 ft |
Depth | 15 ft |
Home Port | United States
Call Sign | WDA 6411 |
Builder | Main Iron Works, Houma, LA |
Type | ABS A1 Towing |
Year Built | 2002 |
Engines | (2) CAT 3512B |
Fuel Capacity | 90,000 gal. |
Winch | Markey TDSDS 32 |
Line Pull | 200,000 lbs. |
Capacity | 2,450 ft. of 2 in. |
Gears | Reintjes WAF 772 -7:1 |
BHP | 3820 |
Generators | (2) CAT 3306 75 KW |
Staterooms | 3/7' |
Galley Seating | Fully Equipped |
A / C & Heating | 2 Central |
Radios 1,2 | VHF 3, SSB 2 |
Satellite Phone w / email | 1 |
Copy / Scanner / Printer | 1 |
Engine Alarms | Full Alarms |
Welding Machine | Electric |
Auto Pilot | 1 |
GPS Navigator | 2 |
Flag | United States
Gross Tonnage | 321 Gross / 96 Net |
Net Tonnage | 96 Gross / 65 Net |
Official Number | 1120509 |
Bollard Pull | 48 st |
Hydraulic Oil | 500 gal. |
Gear Oil | 660 gal. |
Bridgemate AIS | 1 |
Offshore Digital Depth Sounder | 1 |
Double Drum Waterfall | Second Drum Empty for Anchor Handling |
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